Always know what you're getting into

Use the price calculator to see the costs of various configurations and volumes before you start your campaign.

Warning on Noto Emoji 14.0 Important: The prices in our price calculator are exclusively for mailings within Germany up to a volume of 100,000 recipients. For international mailings and / or mailings with higher volume, please contact us via

Step by step instructions

Step 1. Open the price calculator

Click on "Price calculator" on the dashboard or in the navigation bar. 

Step 2. Select the desired mailing products

You can also combine several products in one envelope (for example a letter and a flyer). 

Step 3. Enter the desired number of recipients

The costs are composed of printing and postage.

Important: You can view the campaign costs as CPM or total cost.

Step 4: Product configurations 

After selecting your products and entering the volume, check and confirm the individual configurations. 

Step 5. A/B Tests

To see the cost development for a possible A / B test, simply add the desired number of variations.

Try our price calculator

Simply test and answer questions about CPM and costs yourself. Let's go!