General Information

Proof PDFs are available as a preview with real customer data in PDF format after the personalization has been set on the printer. You can check these and then approve them.

Important: Proof PDFs are not part of our standard processes for mailings unless your mailing has a volume of 100.000 recipients or contains 1:1 image personalization.

In optilyz the personalization fields are assigned directly in the designs using the placeholders you specified. In addition, we have built in several checking steps (both automatic and manual) that replace the step of checking PDFs and thus make your work easier. 

If you still want to receive a Proof PDF, we have to charge you a fee of 79 € per mailing due to increased manual effort.

FAQ Proof PDFs

When do I receive the Proof PDF?

You receive the PDF at a point in time between booking the campaign and PAL. It may also be that this is shared on the day of the PAL - but then the PAL is still held!

How quickly do I have to approve the Proof PDF?

Basically, the faster the better. In the email with the reference to the Proof PDF, a deadline is always given, by when the approval must be given so that the PAL can be kept. This is usually around 4 hours.

Where do I send the approval?

Please just reply directly to the email with the reference to the Proof PDF.

Where can I find the password for the file with the Proof PDFs?

The password is always the mailing ID (not the automation ID). This is located in the “Mailings” section - simply click on the campaign and then copy the number / letter combination from the URL - this is the password.

For campaigns from Salesforce or Emarsys:

Fig.: Workaround 1

Workaround 1: Please access the optilyz platform directly, not via SFMC / Emarsys, as the mailing ID is different there. Log in under this link, go to the “Mailings” area, find the correct mailing and copy the number / letter combination from the URL. Then the document can be opened.

Fig.: Workaround 2

Workaround 2: Please go to your Automation List within Emarsys / SFMC and search for your (Live) Automation. You will find a list with your booked mailings of this Automation. Right-click on the “Mailing Summary” Button > Copy Link > Open New Tab > Paste Link → This is the correct mailing number > Copy the number / letter combination from the URL. Then the document can be opened.

If the document still cannot be opened

Are you using a Mac computer? Then please download a zip tool (e.g. Keka). This can be used to open the files.